Application for Blair Atholl Patrol Jamborette 2020
Click here to complete the application form.
Click here to download the reference form.
The Jamborette will take place from Monday 20th July 2020 to Friday 31st July 2020.
Home Hospitality is due to follow until up to Wednesday 5th August 2020.
Applicants must be aged between 14 and 17 during the Jamborette. Applicants need not be a current Explorer Scout if they fall within the age range, but all the time of the Jamborette, they must be a registered Explorer Scout in a Scottish Borders Explorer Scout Unit, or be a registered Young Leader in the Scottish Borders District.
Please complete the form here, and also ask your Explorer Leader, Scout Leader, or Group Scout Leader to complete a reference for you, using the form here. They should return completed references to Jessie and Marion, at the email addresses listed below.
If you have any questions, please email Jessie or Marion, District Blair Atholl Coordinators:
Following the return of applications, a selection camp will be held at Bonaly Scout Centre (Edinburgh) in early Autumn 2019 (likely to be the 6th – 8th September). This will be followed by several training camps. Further information will follow to those selected.
You can find more information about the camp on the Blair Atholl Jamborette Website: www.jamborette.org.uk